- Granny and Co Homes
The Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) has just released a statement in response to our nationwide building materials shortage. It attributes the industry shortages in residential construction to market forces resulting from the current construction boom and the pandemic. The impact is wide-reaching as it affects everyone in the supply chain including builders, suppliers, subcontractors, and of course, our clients.
These supply issues plus escalating costs are resulting in disputes between builders and clients, according to the QBCC, so it is imperative that all parties (builders, their clients, plus suppliers and subcontractors) now work together to agree on possible solutions. Clients need to be kept properly informed of the situation and the impact on timeframes. Clear and open communication is the key to maintaining a good client relationship throughout the build. Builders are being encouraged to find alternatives (for example, hand-pitched roofs in lieu of roof trusses… at Granny and Co Homes we are turning negatives into positives by offering to build high cathedral ceilings with our hand pitched roofs).
The QBCC has released this handy fact sheet which explains the situation and outlines some options available to clients who are experiencing supply issues. We encourage our current and prospective clients to give it a read and contact us on (07) 3180 2681 to discuss and clarify any concerns. In the meantime, Granny and Co Homes are continuing with construction and will keep our clients well-informed along the way.

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