The Pod series are a range of contemporary and inviting, lower-budget small home solutions.
With efficient layouts and pleasant geometry created by skillion roofs and rooms that project out to the edge of the roof, our pods also incorporate mixed building materials for an appealing modern look that makes them suitable for any yard, rural or suburban. Their long, narrow shape is ideal for suburban yards with limited space… skillion or gable roofs and a clever mix of architectural wall claddings gives them a modern industrial look that’s unlike most traditional granny flats.
As with all of our small home solutions, Granny and Co will adjust the level of detailing to suit your budget and customise the design to suit your needs, with the aim of enriching your life and optimising your site.
The Pod series were designed to suit prefabrication and will soon be available in kit form for regional clients. We are now calling for expressions of interest from regional Builders who may be interested in modular and kit home construction.